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June 2018

  Artificial Rain || The irrigators are still working after that wonderful heatwave. Even though there has been rain since, it hasn't been enough to satisfy those thirsty potatoes. What a funny year the crops have endured, but it will soon be harvest and we'll see how they have fared. 
The new arrivals || The turkey chicks have hatched. They are very sweet and fluffy with lovely colouring. The next few weeks are crucial as we keep them warm and cosy, and let them build up their strength before they venture into the great outdoors.   



Pretty as a picture || Agricultural show season is underway, and this week it is the largest, the Royal Highland Show. Grandpa Ewan was telling us that the first Highland Show was held in 1822 on the site of what is now the Scottish Parliament, and from the outset showing livestock was at the heart of the event. It was the only way for farmers to compare animals as pedigree and breeding became more important. There were no photographs and livestock portraits of the time were subject to a huge amount of artistic licence - not unlike kings attracted to prospective foreign brides on the strength of flattering portraits that didn’t quite match reality. Taking animals to a show became a necessity of the business, and it is still core to agriculture today where sales and competitions attract good money for top performers.

   Berry-licious || We are at the height of berry season and we feel very lucky to be surrounded by so many great fruit farms we can drop by to collect just-picked strawberries and raspberries, and soon blueberries too. Some of them have honesty boxes if they don't have a shop. One that our children love to pop into after school is Balhungie which also sells other local homegrown produce, and you can stop for a cuppa and cake or ice cream in the garden. And on Summer Saturdays it has an artisan pizza van.
This Weekend || The Abernyte Brewery is hosting a summer market with beer on tap, food and crafts including goodies from the lovely Cheesery.   
  Podcast Pause || We've been really enjoying this podcast with the Rock & Roll Farmer who finds out the stories behind the people who produce our food.